Hey, Dinah here. As far as being a geek or gamer, I guess I’m a part-time gamer. No I don’t know the latest mmo, I don’t know which stats belong with which character (fighters need high charisma right?), I don’t know the difference between all the table top rpg’s (aren’t they all just D&D?) and I definitely don’t follow the writers, artists or such of any geek/gamer related anything on twitter. But what I do know is what it is like to be the other half of a geek/gamer. So while I don’t dive head first into the geek world I can drop some knowledge from someone who sits on the sidelines and maybe even gets in the game those last two minutes of the fourth quarter.(see what I did there? That’s a sports analogy. Much more my thing) Sometimes it’s neat to see the geek/gamer world from a different perspective.
Daily Archives: January 27, 2012
‘Ello, I’m Padma (no, not Padme; Padma means “lotus” and is the name of a Hindu deity, which is way cooler than a prequel princess, thank you). I’m here for the fiction writing aspect of geekdom. I’m hoping as we gain more members that we can maybe get some turn-based collaborative writing going. But my foremost duty is to provide you with something to read and entertain you. Each week, I will post a new chapter of an ongoing story. And each week, the end of the chapter will include choices so that you, the members, can vote on what will happen next in the story! The first story I write will be a fantasy genre, but if this project goes well, I’d also like to do a sci-fi along the line.
So check up on Padma’s Pathway every Monday for a new installment in the story (because Mondays suck, and maybe a choose-your-own-adventure might help it suck less), and you will have until midnight Wednesday to cast your vote for the next installment.